It is interesting, but once you get the money to buy the highest level gear and strongest spells, you can pretty much beat the shit out of everyone. I'd love to see more immunities, spell weaknesses and strengths, elemental weaponry to add on to these elemental weaknesses, more sidequests, higher weaponry cost and diversity, an actual use for the shield (those annoying torch throwing frog gobs can still kill you) More diversity for monsters (There were only like 2 creatures you could meet in every level, like that annoying flying electric thing and and ice troll, frog gobs and treekins, etc) Sometimes have like stronger uber creatures, like the occasional Epic Ice Troll to spice things up. With appropriate cash funding. I had some bugs, one of them is that when on the bandit mission, I asked everyone where they were, killed everyone in the cave, took treasure chest and everything, yet nothing would change. My objective still was: "Ask inhabitants of Whateverville what the problem is" I had to go aaaaalllllll the way back to barracks, save quit, go aaaallllll the way back and retry.
Niice little game, but as with everything, room for improvement