nice game
but the moving colored balls levels bugged the hell out of me
anyways good job
(yay 112 points!)
nice game
but the moving colored balls levels bugged the hell out of me
anyways good job
(yay 112 points!)
great game, got all the stickers except the crew one do you know how many points you need to get it?
Sorry dude
but this is baaad i really hope you made this before Alloy
The dogs are ways too easy and the boss is too hard.
and the f*cking dogs are bigger than recoil
conclusion: Alloy is 87655646546847564654564687654654654 times better
nice game, bit hard thought
Graphics: bit glitchy but nice in overall
style: nice idea
sound: starts to get annoying after a long time
violence: the "blood" makes it a bit laggy
interactivity: when you click when punching make the reaction time better
Humor: N/A
Overall: kickass game yet it has some faults
comments: make the pitz at the beginning weaker (cyber and shadowpitz) the others (ive only seen the cybers,the shadows the wars and the thundrapitz) are fine for there level
great game
some tips when enraged put the dagger as a sword or a chainsaw for a limited time. For every people thats complaining about sunchips: Sunchips is killable but don't try to get shot cuz when you get shot you'll fall and when you get back up he'll shoot again. Pretty damn hard but hey what do you expect from a final boss? that it's easy?
Sound get's annoying after a time. Maybe try the track you got now in the beginning and when your in the punk kids rap or rock and when your at the ninja's some japanese song at the James bond kid a james bond intro etc.
anyways good job on the game
simple but fun game
maybe give some second bonuses every 20-25 berrys or getting to lv6 is impossible ive beaten it wit only a second to spare
Thats actually agood idea, like power ups and such.
very good
very good game, and the reasons you can't buy is because you need to buy them when there is no blue in the clock
but can someone tell me how to get some money??
i got to lv 15 without santa getting hit i got to lv 19
its madness on lv 19 those guys keep popping up...
Anyway great game
boring not interesting enough... not reallistic... i rest my case
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Age 32, Male
Vilvorde, Belgium
Joined on 8/10/04